Delphine Completed
*This has been such an enjoyable project* *because I have been under no
pressure to get it completed in between quite a few summer visitors and
social oc...
Jasa Pengiriman Barang Antar Kota dari Lion Parcel
Rekomendasi jasa pengiriman barang antar kota sering dipertanyakan oleh
beberapa masyarakat di Indonesia yang ingin mengirimkan kiriman hadiah
kepada san...
I'm working on this cute raggedy doll for St. Patrick's Day. I started
sewing her at home and then it was time to go to my middle daughter's home
to take ...
I experimented with dipping a smooth 5x7" board designed for alcohol inks
into Easy Marble, just partially on the bottom to create water. Then I
added a...
Free Tutorial - Christmas Angels Paper Dolls
You know, it's never too early to get started on your Christmas crafting,
so here's a fun little project I created to get you and your kids
inspired! Thes...
FishBoy FishHead
In honor of Rosh Hashana, which starts this Sunday night, I want to share
what my doll has <> been evolving into.
He still needs eyes, w...
Wonderland Remembered
I finally finished the doll I started while teaching. I added a top hat,
rabbit, a white rose partially painted red and of course the caterpillar!
I al...
*Hi Folks, welcome to*
*ImagiMeri's Creations Blog*
*I've posted a new tutorial over at the Creative PaperClay blog on how to
create a really cute mushr...
Happily Never After
*L*ife is a funny thing, you know, an ironic leviathan, full of unusual
twists and flicks of its tail (tale?)
For example, this space was originally mean...
Hi all...I have a lot of things listed now on Etsy if you would like to
take a peek....will be listing more Halloween things there soon and also on
This is a picture of Lilly that just seems to say
So I will start with that and again SERIOUSLY
I have not posted on my blog since March...
Painted and Stamped Sneakers
Painted and stamped sneakers! I have a great tutorial on the Ann Butler
Designs Blog and you can read all about it by clicking HERE
White sneakers become ...
Follow us over to the NEW BLOG!
We have a BLOG located
Mystery Message!!!! Love and Happiness!!!!!
Hi!!!! Hope everyone is doing great and hopefully getting some wonderful
weather!!!! Having some fun!!!!! Ok above is step 3...below is step 4!!!!
We ...
Spring Sparkle and A Soft Farewell
*Here it is March the blustery farewell to winter and the dawning of the
gentle warmth and fragrances of spring ... a time for new beginnings and
for sa...
The Passing of an Angel
Hello Everyone,
I ask once again of friends near and far to pray for my family.
We lost an angel this year, last August. My sweet little niece who was
Week Five.
Horse update :)
Week 5. Horse progress ~ Humphrey is getting a round bum! yay for plump
bums. The lump on his head has gone. This morning after breakfas...
I should start off with some good excuse as to why I have not posted in so
long, but yet again, I have no excuse. Life has been busy, along with my
full ...
Lowongan Kerja QUANTUM ERP
Kami adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang penyedia solusi bisnis IT
baik untuk
kalangan menengah maupun bisnis besar.
Saat ini kami se...
As you can all see it has been a long time since I have posted here. Many
new directions and spiritual awakenings have taken place in my life over
the past...
Hello and Welcome!!
I am sew happy to announce a feature in the wonderful primitive magazine
called Prims! For all of you who love your primitives, this is a magazine
that is ...
The pretty little pillow was stitched using a sketch my daughter did. I
stitched it by hand on a neutral colored homespun fabric, pillow is backed
with 10...
Tim Holts idea-ology Sanding grip
I know I am usually a day late and a dollar short on most crafting products
and ideas. Because, being the thrifty person I am, I never get anything
till e...
All RIGHT! NEW Enchanted Hollow Designs Blog!!!!
I am taking my wonderful hubby, Albert's, advice and I have started a brand
NEW blog. It is still called Enchanted Hollow Designs, but the blog addres...
They started digging on February 8th.
It didn't take very long to get the hole dug.
We went back two days later and it was all finished and looked a m...
Halloween and Fall Patterns
*Welcome to my Halloween & Fall Pattern Section! *
All patterns are $8.00 with FREE shipping to the US.
*Witch Aggie*
25" tall with needle sculpted nos...
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